What is the filing deadline?

What is the filing deadline?

Insider Transactions - required to be filed within 2 business days of the transaction

13D - required to be filed within 10 days of the transactions

13G - required to be filed within 45 days of the end of the year

13F - required quarterly within 45 days of the close of quarter - ie. Q1 deadline is May 15

NPORT - 60 days after the end of that Fund’s fiscal quarter. May not match a calendar year quarter and all Funds are on their own schedule - Fintel check for updates several times a day

8K - must be filed within 4 business days after the reportable event

10K - required quarterly within 45 days of the close of quarter - ie. Q1 deadline is May 15

10Q - 40 days after quarter ends (45 days for less than 75MM) - ie. Q1 deadline is May 10

S1 - Concurrent with Security filing

Proxy Statements - Concurrent with filing

*This article does not cover Amendments

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