What is an NPort Form Filing?

What is an NPort Form Filing?

NPORT Forms are a newer filing requirement from the SEC, (2016). Fintel is proudly the first to market to display this.

Newly required, NPORT Form Filings are an expansive SEC filing covering ownership. Previously there weren’t as many requirements for funds to file all their holdings.

NPORT Filings are required of EVERY US-based mutual fund and ETF. Additionally, funds are required to disclose all asset classes. This includes not just US-based equities (which is what 13F filings cover), but also foreign equities, derivatives, commodities, currencies, and fixed income, including corporate bonds, municipal bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities.

This covers mutual funds and ETFs and requires them to report their holdings including foreign securities and emerging markets.

These must be filed within 60 days of the end of their (the Fund’s), fiscal quarter, which may be different from the calendar quarter.

Fintel still checks for NPORT updates every 1 minute, as with most of our data.

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