How is Average Share Price Calculated?

We have changed the way we calculate average share price. We used to calculate the Average Share Price from the Total Value and Total Shares data provided by the filer at the end of the reporting period. This was done using the formula: avg price = (prior value + current value) / 2 / (prior shares + current shares / 2.

However, we did not find this to be particularly helpful, since it would be better to know the average price paid of the fund over the entire history of the investment.

The new calculation estimates the Average Share Price paid over the entire history of the investment. We calculate this by calculating how many shares were acquired during each quarter of the reported investment and then calculating the Average Share Price over that quarter, then calculating a weighted Average Share Price of all the reported periods.

Ultimately, this results in an estimated share price paid, or in other words the cost basis / total shares held.


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